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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 4523
A workshop on Policy and Minimum Standards for the Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking was held at AFESIP’s Phnom Penh Main Office Meeting Hall from June 5-8, 2012. It was facilitated by Mr. Mam Khon, Tom Dy Center Manager, and Mr. Som Sophatra, Admin, HR and Communication Coordinator. The two facilitators were trained by staff from ECPAT Cambodia, a network of NGOs working to prevent the sexual exploitation of children. This initial training took place from April 2-6, 2012.
Staff and managers from AFESIP departments, programs, and centers participated in the workshop. Voices for Change team members from the Somaly Mam Foundation SEA also partook in the exercise
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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 4985
The Cambodian people celebrated Khmer New Year from 13 to 15 April 2012. Many AFESIP residents returned home to celebrate this holiday with their families and relatives, however for those who stayed at our centres over the break, we took the residents out to participate in special activities for the Khmer New Year celebration.
Somaly Mam, Founder and President of AFESIP Cambodia, staff and members of Voices for Change spent their 3-day holiday at Kompong Cham Centerto celebrate with the children. Somaly said : “ This year again I devote my holidays and life with my children at Kompong Cham center ”. “ I love them the most, because they are little and innocent ones ”, she added.
The morning of the first day, the center prepared food and dessert for the monks at the pagodas. The children and girls wearing traditional costumes and scarves were brought out to the pagodas.