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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 3971
On August 25, 2014, the Investigation team of AFESIP received 3 victims, 2 of them are under age, one is 16 years old and the other is 17 years old while adult one another is 20 years old, whom had been victims of sexual trafficking to receive safe accommodation in its rehabilitation shelter located in Phnom Penh. Currently, the Investigation team is working underground with competency authorities in order to rescue the remaining victims in the same brothel where the above 3 victims had been jailed to be sexual slaves for almost a year.
Let’s us keep our fingers crossed for the success of this risky-yet-meaningful mission!
Stay tuned for the next updates.
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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 3995
Six residents are brought from Phnom Penh Tomdy and Siem Reap Centers to train on commercial kitchen, a range of western and international food & beverages, serving customers, taking orders and delivering meals to tables…The on-the-job training is offered by Connecting Hands, an Australian based not for profit charity, having committed to raising awareness about human trafficking and slavery.
Read more: Six residents enrolled in training café in Phnom Penh
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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 4356
From AFESIP Cambodia’s Staff for Abrupt Fund Termination
by Somaly Mam Foundation
Following the information offered by AFESIP Cambodia’s management that Somaly Mam Foundation, whose GINA REISS is presently the Executive Director of SMF, abruptly terminated the entire funding for AFESIP Cambodia, AFESIP Cambodia’s staff have felt so doubtful and deeply shocked with this decision for this triggers the following negative impacts on:
- AFESIP Cambodia’s overall operation activities granted mostly by SMF
- Living condition of the in-centered residents who have been totally rehabilitated, some of whom are taking the vocational skill training, some are ready for their reintegration into their home communities with the in-kind support of materials/equipment to create a small scale business for their new lives as they have already finished their studies.
- 170 in-centered residents under the 3 rehabilitation centers, thus resulting in their frustration and possibly leading them to their re-victimization.
- Possible negative actions likely to be caused by the residents and their families and this cannot be managed by AFESIP Cambodia.
- Staff’s livelihood and their families mostly depend on their salaries. More importantly, those staff cannot secure their job immediately after this staff cut-off.
Based on the above mentioned, staff of AFESIP Cambodia would like to condemn for their irresponsible and inhuman decision to cut down fund managed by SMF management and Board of Directors in the United States and would like Ms. Gina Reiss to reconsider over the mistaken decision and request her to provide various reasons against the cutting of fund and also reconsider the bad consequences over all victims and AFESIP operations as a whole.
Also we would like to take this opportunity to appeal to national and international public to consider and find justice for AFESIP Cambodia, victims and AFESIP’s staff.
In the end, we would like to suggest all donors who used to donate directly to SMF to reconsider funding and request their emergency aid to AFESIP Cambodia.
27 June 2014
On behalf of AFESIP Cambodia staff
Uong Chheng
012 635 600
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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 4411
A number of Cambodian women have been being lured by brokers to China on the promise of marriage or highly paid jobs. This is because of poverty prevailing in Cambodia and the lack of general knowledge and information about what it is. And sometimes even they know, but still they take the risk anyway due to poverty.
Now look into the story of case SR0530, Chory, her fake name, who came to Siem Reap shelter mid-November 2013. To collect information to fill in the record, we tried to ask questions related to her personal story. However, we got a few answers only. She was reluctant to speak her story that why we have to wait a few weeks for her answers. Now it appears that she feels more comfortable and familiar with us and all of her team-mates.
Read more: A trafficked woman to China admitted to AFESIP Siem Reap Shelter
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- Written by AFESIP
- Hits: 4321
While I was traveling in Vietnam and Burma, a story at Newsweek hit home. It charged that Somaly Mam, an activist against human trafficking in Cambodia, had fabricated elements of her background. Somaly has been a hero of mine, and I’ve written about her in my column, first in 2008 and most recently in 2011. [Read Full Article]